
고아들의 아버지 - 올네이션스

축복의통로 2015. 10. 8. 11:42



고아들의 아버지 모든 가족 축복하네

날 돌보시는 아버지

생명주고 죄사했네

나 주의 품에 안전해

날 돌보시는 아버지

O father of the fatherless

In whom all families are blessed

I love the way you father me

You gave me life, forgave the past

Now in your arms I'm safe at last

I love the way you father me


영원히 내 아버지 되시네

주의 품에 나 안전해. 영원히

주의 돌보심 사랑해

주의 돌보심 사랑해

이 글에 공감하시면 아래 MY공감 하트를 눌러 주세요. ^^

Father me, forever you'll father me

And in your embrace I'll be forever secure

I love the way you father me

I love the way you father me


When bruised and broken I draw near

You hold me close and dry my tears

I love the way you father me

At last my fearful heart is still

Surrendered to your perfect will

I love the way you father me


If in my foolishness I stray

Returning empty and ashamed

I love the way you father me

Exchanging for my wretchedness

Your radiant robes of righteousness

I love the way you father me


And when I look into your eyes

From deep within my spirit cries

I love the way you father me

Before such love I stand amazed

And ever will through endless days

I love the way You father me

'고아들의 아버지(올네이션스)'

Father Me

Lyrics & Music by Graham Kendrick/그래함 켄드릭

Praise by 올네이션스 경배와찬양, 전하세예수 8th Album,

English translation by 올네이션스 경배와찬양

Video Reconstruction by 씨뿌리는사람들/김신곤목사

Jesus Cultural Missionary 'SOWERS/SHINGON KIM'

(1) 씨뿌다음카페 http://cafe.daum.net/ccm

(2) YOUTUBE - 'shingon kim' 검색/구독

(3) E-mail : sgkim84@hanmail.net

(4) 영상제작문의 : 010-2256-9191
